Heal, feel and function better!

Welcome to Dunnville Chiropractic


We are here to help you heal, feel and function better so you can get back to doing what you want to do. Your health and well being is your greatest asset and we are here to help you better maintain your health so you can enjoy the life you live more.

People often deal with on going aches, muscle pains, arthritis or problems which prevent them from enjoying their life or limit their ability to work. These are most often issues related to the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerve, muscles and joints) of the body which is what we specialize in a chiropractors. If you are dealing with an issue like this, we are likely able to help or direct you to find the help you need. 

How We Can Help

The people we consistently help or those with neck or pack pains, headaches, disc issues, or other nerve muscle and joint issues that are effecting their ability to do what they want and need to do in their day to day life. We help by providing a proper assessment to properly identify what is causing your issue. We then look to provide the right treatment for you.

Each person and issue is different, so every treatment is a little different. Tools was often use to help people include: education on pain triggers and relief, hands on or instrument adjustments or muscle work, exercise and life style recommendations, light therapy that accelerates tissue healing while decreasing pain, recommendations on braces or orthotics, and referring to other health care providers when needed.

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